APEx@CENDARI Summer School

As part of the CENDARI Summer School, Susanne Waidmann of the Bundesarchiv (Federal Archives of Germany) presented the Archives Portal Europe on 22 July 2014 to students and researchers from across Europe and North America, followed by an evaluative talk with the participants about possible innovations.

New article online: Guinevere Barlow, Laura Gould: Small Scale, Big Change - the Impact of Social Media

Here is a short intro from the abstract:

"With increasing numbers of platforms, each with promoters and detractors alike, social media has presented an opportunity for heritage organisations and projects to engage with audiences in new ways. Faced with limited resources, the question of time input versus return is critical, not to mention issues such as getting to grips with technology, audience requirements and social media etiquette. [...]"

Continue reading here.


Aranzazu Lafuente Urién: Archival authority control: an introduction to Encoded Archival Context for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families (EAC-CPF)

The Archival theory and practice have always recognized the importance of the context of the production of documents. The ISAAR (CPF) and EAC-CPF are standards whose primary aims are the formalisation of the name of the creator as the primary key for the international exchange. How has the process of archival authorities developed? How have these standards evolved until today? What are the relationships between archival authority control and librarian authority control? ...

YEAH – You! Enhance Access to History

The YEAH! project, where the National Archives of Sweden, Estonia and Iceland together with the Lulea Technical University and Estonian Business Archives have worked on Linked Open Data is now finished.

Aleksandra Pawliczek: Building up a Research Infrastructure on the First World War across Borders

The Collaborative EuropeaN Digital Archive Research Infrastructure (CENDARI) was funded by the European Commission to create a humanities research infrastructure that integrates access to archives, connects knowledge, and supports the research process for two domains: First World War studies and medieval history. Conceptualized as more than a static portal, it will not only give access to information on archival material relevant for these two domains, but also ...

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The APEx project is co-funded by the European Commission via the ICT PSP framework, 5th call, theme 2.1 - aggregating content for Europeana

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