Archives Portal Europe movie online!
The first movie on how to use the Archives Portal Europe and how to thus access the treasures kept in the archival world just went online. With this movie the aim is to show the potential of the Archives Portal Europe. The movie presents the three different ways of searching in the Portal, and gives an idea of what treasures you can find in the archives. The Directory page of the Portal is also presented, showing how you can find out the location of our participating archives.
Click here to see for yourself.
New Featured Document on the Archives Portal Europe: Acropolis of Athens
The "Acropolis of Athens" is a handwritten document displaying the early efforts within the King Otto period of restoring the Acropolis from the interference it had to endure. It also documents the aspiration of the Greek government to have the reliefs from the temple of Apteros Nike returned. The document is being provided by the General State Archives of Greece.
Click here to learn more about our latest Featured Document.
03.03.2015: Archives Portal Europe at "The Great War from Below" in Belgium
On 03 March 2015 the Archives Portal Europe will be presented at the conference "The Great War from Below" held at the State Archives of Belgium in Brussels.
The benefits of doing research on the Great War using the online portal Archives Portal Europe, that interconnects archives internationally, will by showcased.
Please click here for more information on the conference.
New article online: Chezkie Kasnett The Historical Archive Reborn — Approach and Strategy for the Archive Network
The Israel Heritage Archive Network Project (IHAN) was launched in January 2013 as part of the national "LandMarks" cultural heritage project. Aimed at all archive institutions situated throughout Israel that contain historical material of cultural heritage value, participating archives include public, private, government, and commercial archives. The aim of IHAN is two-fold. Firstly, IHAN aims to digitally preserve valuable cultural heritage materials for the future, and secondly to make these materials freely available to the public online.
Click here to read more.