Ana María López Cuadrado: Working on European archival information system linking encoded data — the Census-Guide to Archives and EAG, a common history

Census-Guide for Spanish and Latin American Archives was born in the 1980s, in the Archives Documentary Information Centre (CIDA), under the Ministry of Culture, with the objective of disseminating and controlling the Spanish documentary heritage. One decade later, the Latin American heritage was also included. Nowadays, Census-Guide is an archival information system that pursues a comprehensive standardisation of its data bases. Its work philosophy is based on cooperation with different archival institutions which want to enter their data in our system.

Eddy Put: What's in a Title? — Aboutness versus Intellectual Form in Archival Description

The special relationship between form and content, its archival representation and the way researchers deal with the opacity of archival material are known archival cruxes. Archivists are confronted with the limits of accessibility when they describe items in a purely formal way (accounts, sentence registers, notarial deeds, etc). The emergence of an online research context has made this problem even more pressing.

Archives Portal Europe News Bulletin: summer edition

Before summer time is turning into autumn, we still have our 2nd News Bulletin of 2014 for you. This time you can learn about what is going on within the APEx project with regard to establishing the Archives Portal Europe Foundation and also about what it is like to work with the portal from some of our partner's perspectives.

Click here to read.

Clips, clips, clips!


Not too long ago, we installed the Tutorials area on our APEx-project website. This is where you can find practical information on how to use the Archives Portal Europe: from guidelines and a glossary via inforgraphics right through easy-to-grasp how-to video tutorials. Now we are able to introduce a new informative feature to you on said page - everytime we have recorded video footage from workshops, conferences etc., we will upload them not only on our vimeo channel but also on the Tutorials area.

The first footage to show, is from the two Archives Portal Europe introductory workshops which were held recently at the Federal Archives of Switzerland - in German on 28 May and in French on 11 June 2014. Click here to have look.

New article from the Archives Portal Europe project's Scientific Coordinator Angelika Menne-Haritz online

In her article "Cross-border Discoveries in the Archives Portal Europe", Angelika Menne-Haritz explores the portal's exciting potential of coincidental knowledge diversification:

"The Archives Portal Europe allows us to make new discoveries without knowing what the end result will be. Users often are surprised about what they find out. Their researches need a lot of work, new ideas and imagination....

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The APEx project is co-funded by the European Commission via the ICT PSP framework, 5th call, theme 2.1 - aggregating content for Europeana

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