Karin Bredenberg, Silke Jagodzinski
Karin Bredenberg graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (programming C#) from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm 2006. She currently holds a position as an IT architect at the Swedish National Archives (SNA) where she has worked for the past eight years. Bredenberg’s main focus is on the creation of Swedish adaptions of international archival metadata standards. Between 2008 and 2010, she worked with archivists from around the world on the development of EAC-CPF, a standard for encoding archival authority records. Bredenberg currently serves as member of the Society of American Archivists Schema Development Team as well as a member of the Society of American Archivists Technical Subcommittee on EAC and the Technical Subcommittee on EAD and is a member of the PREMIS Editorial Committee. Since 2011, Bredenberg has been project manager for E-archiving specifications of the project E-archiving and registration, eARD, and in 2014 started participating as a standards specialist in the European project E-ARK.
Silke Jagodzinski, Diploma in Archival Science and Master in History and Cultural Science. Silke worked five years as member of a digital history project and after that as traditional archivist. She became digital archivist and got advanced training in digital technology related to Information Science. Before Silke started to work for the APEx project at the Federal Archives of Germany in 2012, she gathered experiences with several XML technologies and archival standards in a company for data conversion. Within the APEx project, Silke is involved in most of the Work Packages and has a focus on archival standards and metadata tasks.