Maud Medves, Laurent Romary

Maud Medves is research assistant at Inria, France and associate at Humboldt University in Berlin. Originally trained in political sciences and communication, she has specialised in data modeling and elaboration of metadata profiles as digital curator in several European projects (PEER, CENDARI, EPISCIENCES). Scientific and technical information as well as open access thematics are the core topics of her current research work.

Laurent Romary is senior researcher at Inria, France and guest scientist at Humboldt University in Berlin. He carries out research on the modeling of semi-structured documents, with a specific emphasis on texts and linguistic resources. He also leads or takes part in major standardisation activities at ISO or the Text Encoding Initiative. He is currently one of the directors of the European DARIAH eInfrastructure.



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EAG(Cendari) - customising EAG for research purposes 15 April 2014 86028

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