Metadata Encoded and Transmission Standard (METS)


METS is a generalised metadata framework, developed to encode the structural metadata for digital objects and related descriptive and administrative metadata. It is especially interesting for archives because it can combine images to objects and describe their internal structure. Launched by the Digital Library Federation, the METS initiative seeks to provide a single, standard mechanism for encoding all forms of metadata for digital objects. METS will simplify both the exchange of objects between repositories and the development of software tools for search and display of those objects. Additionally, METS encoding will provide a coherent means for archiving digital objects and their metadata.

-> More information can be found on the METS home page.


Information on apeMETS as used in the Archives Portal Europe

The "State of the art (SOTA) report on METS and recommendations for its implementation in the Archives Portal Europe" (Deliverable D4.7) of the APEx Project was just completed. It

  • explains how the apeMETS profile was developed within the APEx project
  • deals with how the apeMETSRights profile was built
  • encodes the descriptions of 1) apeMETS and 2) apeMETSRights
  • describes the use of apeMETS, including the local use of apeMETS besides the use in the portal.
  • presents different cases of using METS in conjunction with the Archives Portal Europe
  • explains shortly how a conversion script was developed to transform an apeEAD file with several constituent links per archival unit into an apeEAD file plus newly-created apeMETS files in order to link to digital objects in a more structured way
  • gives some general ideas on how apeMETS could be developed into a topic for the planned Archives Portal Europe Foundation (APEF)

Please find here the Annexes of the deliverable:

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The APEx project is co-funded by the European Commission via the ICT PSP framework, 5th call, theme 2.1 - aggregating content for Europeana

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