Work Package 1 update
We are awaiting the validation of the new project partners by the European Commission before being able to move forward with the amendment request. We currently hope to be able to finalise the amendment in September.
By the beginning of September we will have completed another six project months and all project partners will once again be asked to generate their Beneficiary Progress Reports (1 March–31 August 2014) and internal Financial Statements (1 March 2012–31 August 2014). As the Financial Statement is for internal project management purposes only and will not be sent to the Commission, these do not need to be signed and stamped as a scan or digital copy will suffice. An email request with detailed instructions will be sent to all WP1 members and/or contact persons at the beginning of September.
Improvements in the Archives Portal Europe
Within the last few months, the APEx technical team has continued working towards the next intermediate release scheduled for the end of August/early September. The new main features that will become available result from the implementation of apeEAC-CPF used to describe persons, families and corporate bodies. Defined by the WP4 team, the integration of apeEAC-CPF as a new standard for the Archives Portal Europe will allow users to:
- Create apeEAC-CPF entities through the creation form in the dashboard
- Manage apeEAC-CPF files (convert, validate and publish) through the Content Manager in the dashboard
- Implement the second display (visualisation of the content) for apeEAC-CPF entities in the dashboard and portal
- Display the descriptions of apeEAC-CPF entities in the dashboard (preview) and portal (second display)
New search
In this context, the “Advanced Search” section in the portal has been re-designed and re-named to include the option to search for all data published in the portal. This new section (“Search”) consists of three different tabs as follows:
- Search in archives: this tab allows the user to search within the archival descriptions (ie the content of the apeEAD files)
- Search in names: this tab allows the user to search within the descriptions of persons, families and corporate bodies (ie the content of the new standard, the apeEAC-CPF files)
- Search in institutions: this tab allows the user to search within descriptions of the archival institutions (ie the content of the EAG 2012 files)
In this way and depending on the type of information to search, the user can see a customised search section with the appropriate search criteria and filters. The general look and feel with a search results list allowing for refinements and sorting as well as accessing the complete information of a search result in the second display has been adapted for the two new search sections “Search in names” and “Search in institutions”. It is also possible to embed the search box as a widget in your own website – see the example on the Bundesarchiv’s website at http://dpt.archivesportaleurope.net/widgets/bundesarchiv.html. Showing relations The second display for descriptions in the new standard apeEAC-CPF includes general information such as name, date and place of birth or date and place of death as well as biographical notes, occupation or function. In addition, this display features a box on the right showing relations of the person, family or corporate body being described with other entities, with archival materials either created by this person, family or corporate body or naming them, as well as the archival institutions holding these materials. Through this, apeEAC-CPF offers users an additional entry point to the content made available in the Archives Portal Europe.
Other improvements
In addition to other smaller additions and improvements, the next intermediate release includes:
- New icons images for the Archives Portal Europe and Europeana
- New preview of images in the search results list (it always displays one thumbnail if it exists)
- The display of thumbnails and icons in the second display is improved. Now it’s possible to view large collections. In the next intermediate release, all images aren’t loaded when the page loads but rather when browsing through it.
Update on Europeana interoperability
Going the full length – updated EDM conversion to include all levels from apeEAD
The new intermediate portal release includes an updated EDM conversion. So far, the conversion concentrated on the lowest level containing links to the digital objects and included information from higher hierarchical levels therein. The only hierarchical relation taken into account was the one between the fonds or collection and these lowest levels. The reasoning behind this approach was the lack of hierarchical objects display in the Europeana portal. Although this still remains to be resolved, the updated EDM conversion offered in the dashboard as well as in the Data Preparation Tool (DPT) now handles each hierarchical level that is represented in your apeEAD files as a distinguishable unit of description which will be transferred to be a cultural heritage object (CHO) in Europeana. There will be relations built in EDM to link all these CHOs with their related higher and lower levels as well as with units preceding or following on the same hierarchical level. WP2 has not yet had a chance to see how these new conversion results will look in the Europeana portal but we will keep you posted as soon as there is news about it.
In the context of updating the conversion, there also have been new rights statements added according to the changes introduced by Europeana earlier this year. You can read about the different rights statements at the Europeana Pro website. Newly added are the statements “Out of copyright – non-commercial re-use“ for cases where digitisation has been done in a Public Private Partnership and re-use of the digital objects might underlie certain agreements with the private partner (eg a publishing company) and orphan works.
Details and context – future additions to EDM conversion WP2 has started work on its next two deliverables (D2.3 and D2.4) which will look at providing more detailed information on the digital objects themselves as well as adding contextual information on record creators when converting archival data to EDM. Both deliverables will be based on the work of WP4 with regard to apeMETS where there already has been collaboration between both WPs related to apeMETSRights and with regard to apeEAC-CPF. Initially planned for finalisation by the end of August, the writing of both documents will be postponed, aiming instead at the end of September with regard to publication to the project partners. The deliverables will – for their respective standards – detail the mapping as a basis for a default conversion which will be combined with the already existing conversion from apeEAD to EDM. The goal will be to have the least influence possible on the already known workflow and conversion form with the biggest possible effect on the conversion result. Rights at home – update for deliverable D2.2 There will be an update of WP2‘s “Report on best practices regarding the administration of rights“. Please be prepared therefore for requests from some WP2 members throughout the autumn for possible updates on the rights administration within your country or – for new partners and those not yet represented in the first iteration of this deliverable – for general information on how rights for use and re-use of archival material, archival descriptions and digital archival objects are handled in your country.
Dissemination update
Portal expansion We are happy to be able to state that the Archives Portal Europe is attracting interest not only from an increasing number of content holder organisations in more than thirty European countries but also from new types of institutions and networks of a more thematic and pan-European nature. At the same time as these content providers bring in new data from various sources and sectors, they also provide new interpretations and angles of presentation of content already present in the portal. We are proud to observe the active interest shown by these organisations and networks. Their potential partnership gives the portal increased strength to continue its evolution into a future-proof platform for the development of methodology, collaboration and usability.
We are currently having a dialogue with the following parties:
- The Working Group of the European Union Diplomatic Archives (EUDiA)
- The Historical Archives of the EU institutions
- European Oil and Gas Archive Network (EOGAN)
- The Vatican Archives
Marketing and Communication Plan
A Marketing and Communication Plan, originally a task within Work Package 8 as part of a business plan but also an objective in Work Package 7, is now under negotiation for subcontracting. A draft of the plan is scheduled for the next ESC meeting in Turin on 2–4 November. The final version is due in March 2015. Promotion and instruction movies The planning for a promotion video and an instruction movie is in its final stage. The production will start after the vacation period. The promotion video will be produced by the Royal Technical University in Stockholm and the instruction movie by the Filmding company in the Netherlands. Dissemination towards archival education An important dissemination area to pursue is the European archival educational systems. After all, it is the future archivists who are going to develop and run the portal in the long term. Kerstin Arnold and Peder Andrén therefore jumped at the possibility to present the project and the portal at a meeting held by the North-Western Network of Archival Educators and Trainers (NAET) which was held in Potsdam on 8–9 May last. The outcome of the meeting was that the project is now part of the NAET mailing list and also that we, at the request of Professor Pekka Henttonen from Tampere University in Finland, are planning a section in the Tutorial menu of the project website where we are collecting and publishing sample datasets which can be run through the Data Preparation Tool (DPT) as part of laboratory experiments in archival education. Some of you who are reading this newsletter are maybe also part-time lecturers in archival education and if you have any pedagogic materials you are willing to share with other lecturers, please contact Koit Saarevet or Peder Andrén; maybe our planned section in the Tutorial menu can evolve into something useful for the European archival educators. Articles After a short pre-summer break in June, WP7 published the following three new articles on the project website: Aránzazu Lafuente Urién: “Archival authority control: an introduction to Encoded Archival Context for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families (EAC-CPF)” Working for the Portal de Archivos Españoles (PARES) in Spain and an active member of the WP4 EAC-CPF group, Aránzazu Lafuente Urién wrote a detailed text about the birth, growth and current existence of the international archival standard EAC-CPF. Furthermore, Aránzazu compares the archivists’ approach for standardisation with the activities in the library world. Guinevere Barlow, Laura Gould: “Small Scale, Big Change - the Impact of Social Media” Regarding the impact of social media for smaller archives is the article by Scottish archivists Guinevere Barlow and Laura Gould who both presented on this topic at the Dublin conference last year. They describe the types of social media their archives use and how it affects their daily work. For those keen bakers out there, they include a recipe for an “invalid fruit tart” (!) Angelika Menne-Haritz: “Cross-border Discoveries in the Archives Portal Europe” The third article written by the APEx Scientific Coordinator Angelika Menne-Haritz from the Bundesarchiv in Germany is a re-working of her presentation about cross-border discoveries into a text for the APEx project. Based on examples from recent European history and using the word “democracy“ as a search term, Angelika shows the potential of the Archives Portal Europe especially – but not exclusively – for scientific researchers.
Country Manager report
Follow-up actions from the Copenhagen meeting A detailed update on the actions resulting from the APEx Country Manager meeting in Copenhagen is provided in my email to you all of 22 August last. Of course I will continue to work on the remaining Copenhagen actions and I will update you again when I am done with them but for some of them (for instance action no 16: coming up with a short basic dashboard workflow manual), it’s wise to wait for the new summer 2014 release. Archives Portal Europe’s summer 2014 release and associated translations I hope you have already started on working on your translations in the Translations Tool (https://translate.archivesportaleurope.net/), especially on the ones for the new EAC-CPF functionality because more translations will follow soon. Currently the technical team is incorporating the new English texts of the full portal pages into the CMS project of the Translations Tool. In addition to this I can confirm that the new Archives Portal Europe summer 2014 release will be made available on the production environment on Tuesday 2 September. On that day the translations provided by you by Monday 1 September will be transferred to the content checker environment and the day after so that by Wednesday 3 September, they will also be made available on the production environment. In case you envisage you will not have enough time to work your way through all translations before the new release, don’t worry: after Wednesday 3 September you can continue to work on your translations which then will be made available again during the next monthly translations update due on Wednesday 1 October. In this respect it might be wise to first focus on those translations in the CMS project that relate to the homepage ie the “About us” and “Development” (previously “Tools”) pages and the “Sign-in” page, in order to avoid too much of a mix of English with your own language. You can then concentrate on the translation of the new “Help” page and its subpages after Wednesday 3 September. ScopeArchiv meeting A meeting with ScopeArchiv has been arranged which will take place on Tuesday 2 September and our colleagues from the National Archives of Austria have kindly offered to host this event. Those of you using ScopeArchiv have already been approached to attend this meeting and we expect to be able to discuss the ScopeArchiv EAD/XML export issue with a large APEx delegation; we will of course update you on the outcome afterwards. Next Country Manager meeting The next APEx Country Manager face-to-face meeting will take place on Monday 3 and Tuesday 4 November in Turin and will be kindly hosted by our colleagues from the General Directorate of Archives of Italy in the State Archives of Turin (in addition to the EBNA and EAG meetings). The preliminary agenda for all the Turin meetings as well as directions to the venue and a list of recommended hotels can be found on the website of the General Directorate of Archives at http://www.archivi.beniculturali.it/index.php/cosa-facciamo/relazioni-internazionali/eag-ebna-meeting-torino-2014. Please save these dates in your agenda and make sure to book your travel arrangements in time. Of course I will get back to you with suggestions for the agenda for the meeting as soon as possible. Workshop videos
Workshops introducing the Archives Portal Europe to French-speaking and German-speaking Swiss archivists were held recently in the Swiss Federal Archives in Bern. Lucile Grand (WP5 Leader) delivered the French-language presentation on 28 May while Kerstin Arnold (WP2 Leader and Technical Coordinator) gave the German-language workshop on 11 June and footage of both events can be viewed in the Tutorial menu of the project website at http://www.apex-project.eu/index.php/en/tutorials. EAG files from Hungary
Institutional data of 82 Hungarian archives covering 197 branches was recently uploaded to the portal and I would like to congratulate our Hungarian colleagues on this great achievement! Finally, I would like to welcome a new member to our Country Manager network, Natalia Gladchenko of the National Archives of Georgia. I am very glad that you and your organisation have decided to represent your country in the Archives Portal Europe. As always, in case you have any doubts, questions or issues whatsoever, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Best wishes, Wim van Dongen, Country Manager Coordinator.
Upcoming events
Wednesday 3 September @11.00–13.00 Jour fixe @Bundesarchiv, Berlin (DE)
Jour fixe for German speaking archivists on managing archival data in the Archives Portal Europe at the Bundesarchiv, Berlin-Lichterfelde. Open to all interested archivists. Location: Bundesarchiv (IT-Schulungsraum im Pförtnergebäude), Finckensteinalle 63, 12205 Berlin.
Wednesday 8–Saturday 11 October International conference on Dublin Core & Metadata Applications
Every year the DCMI community gathers for both its annual meeting and its international conference on Dublin Core & Metadata Applications. The work agenda of the DCMI community is broad and inclusive of all aspects of innovation in metadata design, implementation and best practices. The APEx Technical Coordinator and Work Package 2 Leader Kerstin Arnold will talk about "Fondly Collisions: Archival Hierarchy and the Europeana Data Model" together with Valentine Charles from Europeana at the pre-conference Special Session on Wednesday 8 October. Read more at the conference's website at http://dcevents.dublincore.org/index.php/IntConf/dc-2014/schedConf/. Location: University of Texas at Austin, Texas, United States.
Saturday 11–Wednesday 15 October International Council on Archives Annual Conference
International Council on Archives Annual Conference This year, the annual conference of the ICA will be held in Girona, Spain, and will present a diversified programme on the theme “Archives and Cultural Industries“. Stay tuned at the conference's website at http://www.girona.cat/web/ica2014/eng/index.php for further details. Location: Girona, Spain.
Contact list
Topic/question about |
Contact/document(s) and pages |
Get information on Country Manager issues |
Country Manager Coordinator Wim van Dongen – |
Get a Country Manager account for the dashboard (https://www.archivesportaleurope.net/Dashboard and https://contentchecker.archivesportaleurope.net/Dashboard) |
Administrators Bastiaan Verhoef – – and Yoann Moranville – |
Get a new partner account for the project website and subscribe to the bi-monthly internal project newsletter (http://www.apex-project.eu) |
Administrators Susanne Danelius – – and Wim van Dongen – |
Get the latest version of the Data Preparation Tool including the manual |
Consult “Outcomes > Tools and manuals” or contact WP5 Leader Lucile Grand – – for details |
Get information about the use of standards in the Archives Portal Europe |
Consult “Outcomes > Standards” or contact WP4 Leader Susanne Waidmann – – for details |
Get information about the relationship to Europeana, the DEA and the formats used |
Consult WP2 Team space (Partner area) or contact WP2 Leader Kerstin Arnold – – for details |
Get information about the current (technical) development discussions and status |
Consult Redmine (account for viewing: username: viewer, password: vi3wer_pmd) or contact Development Coordinator Chris Houwing – – and WP3 Leader Beatriz González Villodas – – for details |
Provide information on upcoming events in your country or presentations you’ve held about the APEx project and the Archives Portal Europe |
At the Forum > News pool or contact WP7 Leader Peder Andrén – |
Get information on administrative issues of the project |
Contact the APEx Project Office –
